03/02/2012 | Comments Off on Blog

26th May 2012  Proof copy of the new book arrived in the post this morning – very exciting.

23rd April 2012 Much of a writer’s life – or at least this writer’s life – is taken up with guilt and anxiety that I am not storming ahead with a new novel. I’ve got three or four plot ideas, and am slowly working them through to get a feel for which one/ones are going to work. The idea that’s really got me excited is a new Khalifa story in which our erstwhile detective is on the trail of a particularly  devious serial killer in Luxor, a case that suddenly becomes unpleasantly close to home.

12th April 2012 Well, my first blog on the new website. Not a huge amount to say on this sunny London morning except welcome to the new site and stay tuned for (hopefully) some more interesting posts!